New Mexico


Land of Enchantment

Land Area:
121 356 square miles (5)

Highest Point:
Wheeler Peak, 13 161 feet

1 855 059 (36)

Santa Fe

Largest City:
Albuquerque (463 874)

Data as of:


plateXchange - the internet platform for license plate collectors from all over the world


License plates

Land of Enchantment, current issue, Passenger 2000
Land of Enchantment, current issue, Passenger 2000

Land of Enchantment, older issue, Passenger 1996
Land of Enchantment, older issue, Passenger 1996

older issue, Freight Trailer
older issue, Freight Trailer
The story behind the plate:, 9th of March 2004
Stuttgarter Nachrichten, 3rd of April 2004

older issue, Recreation Vehicle 1995
older issue, Recreation Vehicle 1995

Land of Enchantment, older issue, Passenger 1991
Land of Enchantment, older issue, Passenger 1991

Land of Enchantment, older issue, personalized, Passenger 1991
Land of Enchantment, older issue, personalized, Passenger 1991


Children's Trust Fund
Children’s Trust Fund

Ex-Prisoner of War
Ex-Prisoner of War


Links and more

New Mexico Taxation & Revenue Department
Motor Vehicle Devision

P.O. Box 1028
Joseph Montoya Bldg.
Santa Fe, NM 87505-1028

New Mexico Special Plates

The State of New Mexico

New Mexico Department of Tourism

New Mexico Desert Places To Go @ DesertUSA

Carlsbad Caverns National Park @ DesertUSA

White Sands National Park @ DesertUSA – Suchmaschine / Search Engine

Santa Fe Convention and Visitors Bureau – Suchmaschine / Search Engine


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