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License Plates site integrated

I spent the last evenings with a complete relaunch of the License Plates site. The site is now fully integrated into the website. The old layout was almost 10 years old – framesets and popups and not state-of-the-art for years now.

When there is time, but this could take several months or years, I plan to redo the plate pictures (for most of the plates the original scan image is still there). Reason: bigger pictures, no more black backgrounds but transparency if possible, better quality. Also I want to look over the state links and there is also some minor stuff I want to put online. We will see… ;-)

Finally the all new website is online!

Today the all new website went online! Work over months did precede – usually there is not much time for these kind of projects so it mostly takes a while.

The only techniques beyond this website are WordPress with several plugins, Gallery2 and the Viper Guestbook. Only the license plate site runs on a seperate self programmed system.

Tobias Albrecht, thank you very very much for the great WordPress theme! Without this help this project would not have been possible.

There is not much new or updated content, this will follow in the near future.

Have a lot of fun surfing this website!